The children’s health and safety are our utmost priority. We ensure living quarters and playground equipment are in safe, working order, and that the children are taken to a medical clinic as needed. For most expenditures, advance permission is required. However, for medical issues the home directors are authorized to take children to the appropriate hospital or clinic on their own initiative and provide receipts after the fact.
God’s Kids is very diligent about accountability. We require receipts and photographs for construction or repair projects; we require a monthly check register from the orphanages. If an orphanage is late submitting their check register, their support is delayed until their check register is received. For construction or repair projects, we require receipts and photos before, during and after completion of the project. When we discovered that some school grades were not based on actual learning, we took on the responsibility of ensuring actual learning by sending our own teachers to develop and implement new curricula, mentor local educators, and personally test the students on our quarterly visits.